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  1. still frame from What is Civil Litigation Practice? 11 min

    Civil Litigation Practice

    What do civil litigators do? This course explains the typical roles in a civil litigation group at a law firm, including partners, counsel, associates, and paralegals, and also describes the role of the client.

  2. still frame from Pre-Trial Items 17 min

    Preparing for Trial

    Once it’s clear a case is going to trial, there’s a lot to do to get ready for it. This course covers the main tasks involved, from pre-trial motions and exhibit lists to jury selection and closing arguments.

  3. still frame from Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product 9 min

    Privilege in Litigation

    Protecting privileged information is critical in litigation. This course explains privilege and work product, what to do if protected information is sent to the other side, clawbacks, privilege waivers, and joint defense groups.

  4. still frame from Litigation Holds 7 min

    Litigation Holds

    Litigation holds (also called Document Retention Notices) help ensure that documents that may be relevant to a lawsuit are preserved. This course explains litigation holds, including what they cover, who they’re sent to, when they’re sent, and when they need to be updated.

  5. still frame from The Parts of a Complaint 17 min

    The Complaint

    The complaint is the pleading that formally starts a lawsuit. This course provides an introduction to complaints, including the typical structure and content, pre-filing considerations, and ethical obligations when filing a complaint.

  6. still frame from Parts of an Answer and When to File 15 min

    Answering a Complaint

    Answers respond to the allegations in a complaint. This course covers the main parts of an answer, how to respond to factual allegations, affirmative defenses, counterclaims, and cross-claims.

  7. still frame from The Contents of a Motion 17 min

    Introduction to Motion Practice

    An introduction to motion practice, including the typical briefing process, the ways a motion can be made, the contents of a typical motion, and strategic considerations when drafting a brief.

  8. still frame from Written Discovery, Document Requests, and Depositions 13 min

    Civil Discovery

    An overview of the typical civil litigation discovery process, including the different types of discovery, the process of serving and responding to discovery requests, and the phases of discovery.

  9. still frame from Electronically Stored Information (ESI) 17 min


    E-discovery is an important part of document discovery. This course introduces lawyers to key concepts in e-discovery including terminology, how electronically stored information (ESI) is collected, and working with clients and opposing counsel to gather information.

  10. still frame from Types of Requests and their Preliminary Portions 14 min

    Discovery Requests

    Lawyers use requests for production, interrogatories, and requests for admission to get different types of information during discovery. This course explains these discovery requests, including what sections appear in typical requests and related drafting tips.

  11. still frame from Common Objections 13 min

    Discovery Responses and Objections

    After receiving a discovery request, a party will prepare written responses and objections. This course explains written responses and objections to document requests, interrogatories, and requests for admission.

  12. still frame from What is Document Review? 14 min

    Document Review and Production

    An overview of how to conduct a document review, including an explanation of the various purposes and goals and how a review might be structured. Also includes an introduction to producing documents and drafting production cover letters.

  13. still frame from Understanding the Case 12 min

    10 Tips for Doc Review

    Practical tips for lawyers new to conducting a document review. Includes tips on how to add value, organizing and escalating documents, and managing mistakes.

  14. still frame from The Purpose of Depositions 7 min

    Introduction to Depositions

    An introduction to depositions, including why they’re used, the different types of depositions, deposition procedure, and objections made during depositions.

  15. still frame from Gathering Documents 11 min

    Tips for Deposition Prep

    Effective depositions require a lot of preparation. This course provides tips on how associates can best help their teams prepare to take or defend depositions, including selecting documents for the deposition prep binder, preparing a deposition outline, and preparing witnesses to testify.

  16. still frame from What is a Motion to Dismiss? 15 min

    Motion to Dismiss

    An overview of motions to dismiss, including grounds for filing, the filing process, and how a motion to dismiss may affect the schedule of the litigation for different types of cases.

  17. still frame from What are Privilege Logs? 15 min

    Priv Logs

    An introduction to privilege logs, including what priv logs are, how to identify the documents that need to be logged, preparing the privilege logs, and reviewing the other side’s logs.

  18. still frame from The Role of Experts 13 min

    Expert Witnesses

    An overview of working with expert witnesses, including consulting and testifying experts, qualification as an expert under the applicable rules, attorney-client privilege considerations, and expert and rebuttal reports.