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  1. still frame from Tips for Working with Your Expert 14 min

    Tips for Working with Your Expert

    Tips and strategies for the day-to-day workings with the expert on your case. Includes how to prepare to work with your expert and how to set clear expectations at the outset. Also covers how to manage communications with your expert given the discovery rules, including sending documents to the expert to form their opinions, and revising their report.

  2. still frame from Selecting an Expert 16 min

    Selecting an Expert

    Strategic considerations for how (and when) to choose an expert for your case. Includes tips for your initial search and vetting process, and a detailed discussion of how to effectively interview candidates and assess them for the role.

  3. still frame from Expert Reports: Satisfying the Rules 15 min

    Expert Reports: Satisfying the Rules

    A detailed discussion of everything that needs to—or should—go into an expert report, besides the opinions themselves. A section-by-section look into strategy and drafting, in addition to compliance with the rules.

  4. still frame from Expert Reports: Opinions and Bases 17 min

    Expert Reports: Opinions and Bases

    A nuanced look into how to work with your expert on the opinion section of their report. Walks through a detailed hypothetical to teach how to effectively probe your expert about the analysis and reasoning behind their opinion, then illustrates how to help your expert plan, organize, and ultimately draft the opinion section.

  5. still frame from Prepping for Expert Direct 16 min

    Prepping for Expert Direct

    How to prepare for the direct examination of your expert. Includes tips for drafting your questions and organizing your outline. Explains how to cover each section of the expert’s report in your questions, drawing out the right information in a way that will land with the jury. Also includes how to prepare the expert for their direct testimony.

  6. still frame from Rebuttal Expert Reports 14 min

    Rebuttal Expert Reports

    Strategic guidance regarding rebuttal expert reports. Covers how to work with your expert to efficiently and effectively review the other side’s opening report, decide which points to rebut, and outline the rebuttal. And discusses strategic drafting considerations as your expert writes and refines the report.

  7. still frame from Prepping Your Expert for Cross 16 min

    Prepping Your Expert for Cross

    An advanced discussion about how to effectively prepare your expert for cross examination. Discusses the best questions to ask your expert during mock Q&A, as well as the best ways to prep them to respond. Also covers how to prepare your expert for impeachment and to come across credibly.

  8. still frame from Opposing a Daubert Motion 17 min

    Opposing a Daubert Motion

    A strategic look at how to defeat a Daubert motion. Includes how to use the legal standard to your advantage when responding to arguments, things you can do to defend your expert’s methods, how to go on offense in your brief, and a detailed example.