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Corporate Depositions


  1. still frame from What to Aim For and What to Avoid 9 min

    Defending a Corporate Deposition

    Strategies and procedures for defending a corporate witness, including what to do when your witness doesn’t know the answer, questions outside the scope of topics, and rehabilitating the witness through re-direct.

  2. still frame from Differences Between Corporate and Fact Witnesses 16 min

    Taking a Corporate Deposition

    Strategies, rules, and procedures when taking a corporate deposition, and obtaining information responsive to a deposition topic.

  3. still frame from Prep Materials 13 min

    Preparing a Corporate Deposition Witness

    Rules and tips for selecting the corporate witness; how a corporate witness’s role differs from a fact witness; assembling materials for corporate witness prep; reviewing the topics with the witness; and tips for reviewing the topics and practicing Q&A with a corporate witness.

  4. still frame from Procedural Overview 13 min

    Responding to a Corporate Deposition Notice

    How to respond to a corporate deposition notice, including the different objections, coordinating a response with your client, and how to handle the meet-and-confer process with opposing counsel.