
Expert Reports


  1. still frame from Rules and Requirements Preview

    Expert Reports: Satisfying the Rules

    A detailed discussion of everything that needs to—or should—go into an expert report, besides the opinions themselves. A section-by-section look into strategy and drafting, in addition to compliance with the rules.

  2. still frame from Rules Preview

    Expert Reports: Opinions and Bases

    A nuanced look into how to work with your expert on the opinion section of their report. Walks through a detailed hypothetical to teach how to effectively probe your expert about the analysis and reasoning behind their opinion, then illustrates how to help your expert plan, organize, and ultimately draft the opinion section.

  3. still frame from Rules and Purpose Preview

    Rebuttal Expert Reports

    Strategic guidance regarding rebuttal expert reports. Covers how to work with your expert to efficiently and effectively review the other side’s opening report, decide which points to rebut, and outline the rebuttal. And discusses strategic drafting considerations as your expert writes and refines the report.